Heading west from Winfield via the right hand fork, CR290 2A, will take you to what's left of the Tasmania Mine. It had been incorporated in 1899 by the Tasmania Mining and Milling Company out of Philadelphia. The copper and silver deposits seemed promising at first, but must have played out fairly quickly, as the mine was abandoned just several years later. While in operation, however, there were roads, an assay office, a mine office, and a boarding house.
To reach it, follow the north fork of Clear Creek, passing the Winfield Cemetery. At 1.8 miles, there will be another fork. Take the right one. When you reach the trailhead, park and hike the old wagon road on the right hand side about a mile and a half to the mine. Be prepared for changes in the weather, as the steep trail gains 1,200 feet.
The mine itself is on private property, so be sure to tread lightly and obey all posted signs.